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Our COVID response (how we will keep everyone safe):

Before Arrival

  • Perform a self-assessment on your child, including taking their temperature.

  • Bring only essential items into the studio; leave anything extra at home or in your car.

  • Change rooms will be closed, so please make sure you arrive to the studio full dressed/ready to dance

Upon Arrival

  • Maintain physical distancing (remain at least 2m away from others outside your social circle)

  • Only dancers are permitted inside the studio. Parents and siblings must remain in the car. For small children, one guardian will be permitted inside the studio if absolutely necessary.

  • Stay inside your assigned squares as marked out on the floor

  • Use the hand sanitizer provided to thoroughly clean hands

  • All visitors to the studio are encouraged to wear a facemask. A recent Norfolk County policy mandates the use of masks indoors with certain exemptions.


  • Do not remain in the studio longer than necessary

  • Listen to staff directions

  • Clean hands with sanitizer again

Staff Responsibilities

  • Clean frequently touched surfaces after every class

  • Maintain flow of students into studio and out to parents while maintaining distancing

  • All teachers will wear masks

Dancer Responsibilities

  • Practice good hygiene (covering a cough and sneeze and avoiding touching your face)

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer

  • If you don’t feel well, STAY HOME!

  • Minimize travel and self-isolate for 14 days after all international travel

  • Get tested if you are worried you have or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19

  • Let us know if your self-assessment indicates that you are at risk of COVID-19